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Dermatoendocrinol. 2013 Jan. C. G. Coibra et. al |
It is now known that multiple mechanisms are involved in the genesis of psoriasis. Those mechanisms are influenced by each individual's genetic predisposition, environment, diet, exercise, body deficiencies, and personality.
Advanced analysis - Metabolomic Analysis® - that detects the metabolic causes of the disease leads to a comprehensive treatment of not just the symptoms but the root causes of psoriasis(10, 15).
Metabolomic Analysis is a Precision Medicine tool that measures tiny molecules that participate in chemical reactions that occur within our cells. It provides accurate data for the personalised treatment and prevention of diseases such as psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
Metabolomic Analysis® detects early dysfunctions of the body at the molecular level. It so identifies the different causative factors of psoriasis, which are either inherited (DNA) or environmental (diet, exercise, stress). Metabolomic Analysis accurately measures the organism's deficiencies and malfunctions, helping doctors individualize treatment and prevention approaches.
According to Harvard Magazine and resent research, metabolomics tests are the most accurate method of assessing a person's health. Metabolomics offers a deep understanding of the mechanisms of human health and disease.
Our approach restores the body's normal function. The treatment regimen is tailored to the deficiencies, dysfunctions, imbalances, and needs of the individual patient as they are identified through the Metabolomic Analysis® test. It includes, along with any preexisting symptomatic treatment, the administration of specific supplements, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and personalised nutrition.
Through our clinical experience, we have observed that the gradual reparation of these factors results in a steady improvement in the vast majority of cases.
Take the first step today!
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